I love the product myself or my daughter loves it but it was very difficult to contact the seller when I had problems. I first bought used. It's my fault for assuming either Revain or the seller would actually test the product to see if it worked. It turned on but just a black screen. There were 2 card readers and an SD card in the box so I put everything back in the box thinking I'd return it and get the same thing just one that works. When I got the new one, it didn't have a card reader or SD card. I contacted a Revain representative who tried to call the seller but he didn't answer. I later tried calling the number listed on the contact seller page and was told the number was not connected. I emailed the seller and after 3 days finally got an answer that they don't have SD readers or cards and that I got the right (new) one. Sorry it's a damn book but obviously not a pity. just enough to make it shorter π As for the thing itself, my daughter (4) likes it. It took her a few tries, but now she finds her way around easily. I don't know about the quality of the videos because I haven't loaded them onto my computer yet (waiting for an SD reader), but the quality of the product itself isn't fantastic, but it's good enough for a small child. . It's plastic so I probably wouldn't give it to a wild child because it would probably break, but I can't say for sure. Do not expect quick resolution of problems.
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