Review of the X-small for a 3-4 lb yorkieThis is our yorkies favorite sweater! He is only 6mos old and is about 4 lbs.
He wears this sweater all the time and my favorite part is that he doesn't accidentally come out of it or get his little foot caught in it.
Adorable KYEESE Valentines Day Sweaters For Dogs In Cute Red Love Design With Leash Hole - Perfect Pet Clothes For Small-Medium Sized Breeds
36 Review
Tangpan Turtleneck Classic Straw-Rope Pet Dog Sweater Apparel (Pink,S)
35 Review
Waterproof Reflective Winter Dog Jacket With Reversible Stormguard, Windproof Coat For Cold Weather, Warm Coat Vest For Small, Medium, Large Dogs - Red (Size S) By MIGOHI
33 Review
KYEESE Christmas Dog Sweater Hoodie Reindeer Red Dogs Knitwear Pullover Pet Sweater With Leash Hole Ugly Christmas Dog Sweater For Small Dogs
36 Review
Dry food for dogs Pro Plan with sensitive digestion, lamb 3 kg (for medium breeds)
46 Review
Dry food for adult dogs of all breeds GO! Carnivore grain-free, chicken, turkey, duck, salmon 1 pack. x 1 pc. x 9.98 kg
23 Review
Dry food for athletic dogs Pro Plan with sensitive digestion, lamb 1 pack. x 2 pcs. x 3 kg (for large breeds)
19 Review
Dry food for juniors over the age of 4 months, pregnant and lactating bitches Grandorf hypoallergenic, Low Grain, lamb with rice 1 pack. x 3 kg
31 Review