The ability to create different templates within one account makes this service great! It's easy enough that even I can use it without needing any training or assistance from an expert team member in order make sense of how things work (yet). Nothing at all really with PD Q as far too few people are using them than there should be more reviews online but honestly they have been around since 2012 so why would anyone expect something special? So many other options out their now which offer free trials where someone could easily see whether its what he/she needs before spending serious cash like $250-$500 per month plus credit card fees etc.. There isn't anything wrong about plan IT pdq however i do feel sorry because most businesses don;t realise yet just exactly whaat kind oof support system we need nowadays when running our business. It is very easy to use and it allows me to manage my content, send to multiple channels, and get good analytics. The ability to add new channels is a great feature. Sometimes the system takes time to load, which is not ideal. I wish there was a way to get a better sense of what is going on in the system without having to constantly check the dashboard. I have been able to easily send out content and manage multiple campaigns all from one place.