I first bought one of these from another supplier. When I connected the relay, there are two pins plugged into the relay housing. He couldn't be saved. Since I already used the harness, I ordered an extra one from Revain to get a replacement relay. I glued the contacts onto the relay so they don't stick this time. So far, so good. A year later the fans stopped working, I hooked this up to a faulty fuse holder in the wiring harness, it blew and rusted. To save some money I wanted to use the fuse holder from the second unit's wiring harness, but found that it was the same as the first, with poor contact and sparking. I bought a 30 amp fuse/holder/pigtail from my local auto parts store which fixed the problem. I've used similar kits from other manufacturers and never had a single problem. Having bought two sets from different sources I don't consider it a bad batch, just a bad one.