I can tell you for sure that I really like it. However, I have a few problems with the bag. Most of my complaints relate to the stability of the bag itself. The sides are very flexible and don't always hold their shape. some by drag-and-drop without additional loading assistance. Judging by the pictures in the listing I was expecting it to keep a decent square shape without requiring a full charge. It's not like this. But it offers a lot of space! This bag is huge, absolutely huge. It fits my 27" curved monitor, my car and my peripherals with enough space. I added a piece of ABS at the bottom to give it a more stable base. Combined with the center wheel, this solves most of my bag problems. When I pack my computer, I usually just fill the rest of the bag with my linens, change of clothes, and a few other miscellaneous toiletries, making it the perfect bag for game night. Did I mention the bag is huge? It's not designed as a laptop bag at all, it's designed to carry a much heavier load and it does a great job of it. I just want it to hold its shape on its own.
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