These bags are wipe clean, have good sturdy handles and have space for tags so you know what's inside. I received 8 packs which are a great help in organizing all my holiday gear and I appreciate the consistent color scheme for visual identification. A variety of things such as wreaths, decorations and inflatable toys can easily fit in a bag. If you're moving a few dresser drawers will fit in, if not the equivalent of an entire dresser just make sure you can still lift them up. They have no support on the bottom or sides, so they should not be stacked unless that works with the content. These are very durable bags that close with a zipper. Overall I find them useful and excellent for my organization's needs.
25-Piece Clear Plastic Drawer Organizers: Non-Slip Trays For Makeup, Jewelry, Office & More!
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3-Pack PRANDOM Large Stackable Storage Bins W/ Lids: Decorative Boxes For Closet, Living Room & Bedroom (17.3X11.8X9.8")
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Heavy Duty Commercial Grade Clothing Garment Rack With Top Rod And Shoe Storage, 45.7 X 15.7 X 57.1 Inches - Black
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Set Of 3 PRANDOM Foldable Linen Fabric Storage Boxes With Lids - Collapsible Bins For Home, Office, Closet, Nursery - Organizer Containers With Covers (14.9X9.8X9.8 Inches)
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Organize Your Home With 11-Inch Beige Storage Cubes: Set Of 8 Fabric Collapsible Bins With Dual Handles!
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Onlyeasy Foldable Storage Bins Cubes Boxes With Lid - Storage Box Cube Cubby Basket Closet Organizer Pack Of 2 With Leather Handles For Closet Bedroom, 13" X 13", Linen-Like Grey, MXDLB2P
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MaidMAX Storage Bins 12X12X12, For Home Organization And Storage, Toy Storage Cube, Closet Organizers And Storage, With Dual Plastic Handles, Black, Set Of 6
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