The ability to accept donations at any time with no limit - I can't say enough about this feature!The ease of use is incredible, even for first timers who are just learning everything there's ever been in order management software/CRMs/CMAs (etc). There really isn’t anything that we don;' t love here - it pretty much does EVERYTHING you could ask from an all-inclusive donor platform. Nothing bad has come up so far since switching over. It hasn "˜T taken us less than two days total as part one was set -up & The ease of use, how easy it is to get started with cause view as well as all their customer support! I honestly don't have any dislikes about this software at this time. All in one platform for donations management/processing payments from multiple sources (i.e., credit card companies). It's really great that we can now combine our accounting system with donor tracking features which makes us more efficient overall.