Okay, I'm one of these people who needs to feel like I'm going to be bruised the next day when I take a massage. If it's not deep deep deep, I feel absolutely no relief. I have tried numerous mechanical massages and all failed me, however, this one is the exception. Holy Smoke. I lay flat on the bed and then positioned my neck and shoulders where I felt my tension, I turned it on and all I can say is wow. Absolutely fantastic! I felt and heard my knots popping, I was able to manoeuvre my body so that the balls would move over the certain points where I was feeling my tension. I then tried my lower back and again absolutely amazing. I've put it on level one and two and both equally as good. I'm absolutely astounded that something that small can give me such a relief. It's brilliant. I love it already and I only got it out the box an hour ago.
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