If you are looking for a capture card and happen to be reading this review, don't hesitate, this is the one for you. I was lucky enough to get it for just over $30 during the sale, but even at the regular price it's worth it. I've bought more expensive capture cards in the past and to be honest this one works just as well as any other I've used. It's definitely one of the smallest capture cards I've had, it fits easily in the palm of your hand, it has 2 indicator lights to show it's getting power which is nice. The capture card is designed to support USB 3.0 (for higher resolution capture) for anyone else who's interested, but it didn't come with a USB 3.0 cable. I had a USB 3.0 to USB Type-C cable laying around and after testing it I can say it worked. Admittedly, I didn't use this card to its full potential as I only wanted to record and stream from my Nintendo Switch, and it works great with Streamlabs OBS. The capture board came with a small manual, but without even reading it, I set everything up in less than 5 minutes.