I picked this up because I'm on a push to decrease the size and weight of my camping gear and do more backpack camping, rather than car camping where I take half the house with me. I already picked up a small burner, but wanted a full kit that included everything I needed. This is perfect.almost.As you can see in the pictures, it comes prepacked in a mesh bag. It includes a deep(ish) pot, skillet, folding cutlery, a carabiner to hang it off your backpack, a stand for your butane/propane tank, the burner with a case, and even a scrubby pad to wash everything with after use.The Good:I really like the folding cutlery. It feels good in the hand and includes a spoon, a fork, and a knife. I am not a fan of double-ended cutlery, which seem to be all the rage with my youth. My opinion is that if I'm eating some chili alongside a salad, I don't want to have to wipe off the soup end before flipping it around to use the fork end, and vice-versa.I also like the stand. It folds up for easy storage, and is big enough to provide a stable base for cooking.The burner puts out a ton of heat. I lit it for a picture, and it's only about halfway up. I didn't want to burn my house down, as I did this on my photography table in my office!The Bad:The mesh bag feels like it won't survive for very long. It's pretty cheaply made, and I will likely have to find a replacement at some point.The pot is too shallow to allow me to store the gas cylinder in it along with everything else. If I'd bought the smaller cylinder, I think it would have fit everything, but I prefer to have the large ones to make sure I have plenty of fuel. Nothing's worse than running out of gas on a trip.Overall, I really like this set. I'm going to be going camping in about three weeks, and am going to use it to do some testing. I can't wait! For the price, it includes everything you need for backpack or light footprint camping.
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