I bought M (5-8) and they are VERY difficult to put on but once on they fit perfectly, they are long enough and have little elastic cuffs at the bottom to put on the heel to keep them under ankle boots. She LOVES kittens and warm, soft interiors. Some people say she's too small, but she's 85th percentile for height (48 inches) and 30th percentile for weight (46 pounds) - we've just been to the pediatrician so I know! - and they are perfect. However, she is only 6 years old. By the age of 7, she may need to increase in size. But if you have a tall 5-6 year old skinny kid they are perfect. Just remember that it takes a lot of effort to put them on! It was very cold here (for our area) and they keep it warm at 40 degrees - I can't vouch for temperatures below that. We love it!
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