We were very happy when we bought this device. Sure, the battery life isn't great, but our initial excitement after purchase led us to deny it. Fast forward two months and you realize that vacuuming your home is at least a two-step process that requires you to charge your device for several hours before you can finish cleaning your home. After 14 months (from the date of purchase), the device works stably within 30-60 SECONDS per charge at the maximum power setting. How does Dyson expect to maintain its premium brand status when its product is so low? If I had completed this review in the first month I would have given this device 5 stars. A little over a year later, I'd like to toss it in the trash as this $600 vacuum became useless in less than a year and a half. I contacted Dyson support this morning and will update this review once I find out if they are truly willing to stand behind this machine. However, it is unacceptable to spend so much money on a vacuum cleaner that is useless after 14 months. I'll try to imagine the cost of a vacuum cleaner (!). It's probably about $10 each time we vacuum the house. Ridiculous regardless of warranty coverage. I am convinced that all of these 5 star reviews are written by people who left their reviews after the first week. Take your time folks :)