For over 40 years, Cricket Media's award-winning, ad-free magazines have challenged children's minds and inspired a sense of surprise and curiosity about the industry around them. They expressed their determination to develop self-confidence, creativity and interest with tremendous content appropriate for the age of the child. Additionally, Cricket Media, Inc. is an international education organization that creates outstanding print and online educational products that increase learning opportunities for all, for children, households, counselors, educators and companions. Using our nine award-winning children's journals and our customizable research-reviewed collaborative learning platform, it appears to aim to create and lead innovative work stories that help children effectively explore and interact with their growing worlds. MAGAZINES for platform families: We offer 9 award-winning magazines for children, from babies to young adults, including BABYBUG ® , LADYBUG ® , CLICK ® , SPIDER ® , ASK ® , CRICKET ® , COBBLESTONE ™ , FACES ™. MUSE® . Our popular reading package deal brings our print magazines together with virtual friends that can be studied on any device. They also entertain the creativity of our young readers with regular contests and competitions that ensure their extraordinary work. LANGUAGE LEARNING: Through their partnership with Neumedias in China (a division of Neusoft, China's largest IT services organization), they continue to provide print versions of their Cricket Media logo in English-Mandarin languages and virtual codecs for toddlers and babies. They also teach Chinese to North American university students through NeuLingo and English to Chinese students through NeuABC. Our acclaimed CricketTogether™ eMentoring app, along with a highly acclaimed range of STEM gadgets, pairs mentors and students to expand reading, writing and core curiosity abilities across the curriculum. CHALLENGES: Our international challenges enable college students to apply critical principles from STEM to cultural studies collectively through events like the Smithsonian Invent It! And situations that require public life. Cricket licenses our award-winning content to friends for PreK-12 curriculum, assessments, and academic products. Our content material is unmatched in quality and breadth, valid across cultures and adaptable to multiple standards and pedagogies. In addition, they offer our corporate partners access to the platform and network by strengthening language learning practice and cultural trade studies for their own goods. SPONSORSHIP/STUDENTS: Cricket offers corporate fellows a turnkey, value-effective eMentoring opportunity that will increase educational equity and employee engagement. They also strive to provide numerous sponsorship opportunities, from helping companies launching a global education project to our international network. BOOKS: The Open Court Publishing Company is the legacy of truth seeker and editor Paul Carus (1852–1919), who was forced from his teaching role in Bismarck's Reich for his liberal perspectives. He moved to the United States, where he edited The Open Court and The Monist, which soon became staples of the American concept. Open Court offers both academic philosophy topics and the Popular Culture and Philosophy line. GLOBAL SOCIETY: ePALS Global Community® matches industry educators and students with recognition for an exciting, mission-driven, fully language-based practice knowledge and cultural alternative.