Really very handy tool. When I replace all the trim in my house, this tool tells me exactly where to measure to cut the trim that fits the hook nose corner. It is very easy to use and will speed up your work. But here's why I didn't give it a 5 (and why the value for money is only a 3): First: Mine came with no instructions. Oh sure, it seems like it's meant to be intuitive, but there's nothing on it other than the instrument's label. And there are four small holes, two on each side. If you are unfamiliar with using the tool, you might think that one of these holes is for placing a pencil to make a mark. Nowhere does this indicate that you are REALLY making a mark on the inside edge of either sheet. Second, the price seems a bit overpriced for a wedge-shaped piece of injection-molded plastic that serves only one purpose, and that's the outside of the angled bull-nose wall cutouts. Overall it's a great tool, but to be honest it's not that you couldn't set up a quick jig to do the same job for pennies instead of $13 plus shipping.