We purchased it on the advice of a former classmate, but we ultimately chose a 20-year-old model with leather handles because (as stated on the Internet) the substance of the wheels appeared to have improved. It's not at all evident how the stroller rises until the handle is raised by 5 cm, which is what destroyed it. The handle also had a significant backlash. The wheels of the stroller, specifically, ratchet. acquired for $21,000. On a stroller with a central brake, this was not the case on the very first trip, but for some reason, my wife has no issues with this. She likes the stroller, and I believe that the design balances out all the drawbacks for her, though everything is personal. This stroller is more convenient to maneuver with just two hands as opposed to the previous high, 3-in-1 inflatable wheeled stroller. Nearly a year has passed since we bought this stroller; we added a cape on the legs (not the original) and padding to prevent the lower footrest from rubbing; the flight was normal; from maintenance; nothing fell off; nothing loosened; in general, for the money, it's not bad at all; I believe I deserve four stars (minus a star for noisy wheels because of unevenness; less maneuverability; and patency on uncleaned, although this is i.