If you have bought or will buy portapower, buy it. Seriously, just do it. A HUGE difference in ease of use as you don't have to hold the device with one hand and the end of the hose/hose mount with the other, or use the relatively flimsy thin strap that comes with the kit, which is better than nothing. But it's only after you've used the Hoover CH01005 PortaPACK that you realize how much better it is than nothing. The clever open-ended portaPACK design allows you to carry your portapower over either shoulder, with a mesh pocket on the other side that holds ALL the accessories. Remember that when I say "everything" I don't mean extension tubes and hoses or end caps, but when it comes to storing your portapower you'll quickly see the added benefits of a portaPACK. The PortaPACK secures around your waist with another large piece of 2 inch nylon strap that adjusts from a size 2 to a fat butt and fastens with a Fastex buckle. I literally have no complaints about portaPACK and cannot insist enough that it will help you enjoy portapower even more.