I bought this for my niece for a sleepover weekend. It has nail polish, lip gloss, and stickers, which is super cool, but it doesn't come with any other accessories, so be prepared. The nail polish itself is smooth and runny, just like nail polish should be (not sticky and clumpy like some kid nail polish kits). The colors are beautiful, I actually used white on myself when I kept it on for a week. Just be prepared that the colors are real, so pink isn't "little girl" pink, it's dark pink and dark colors like purple, red, and blue are included. (For my niece I only wore pink and white, we don't like that she looks too grown up). The lip gloss was great because they have different smells, very sweet or fruity but not overpowering or repulsive. It also wasn't too sticky or cheap like many baby kits, but it was smooth and rubbed easily. Actual lip gloss colors are mostly transparent.