Our home was built in 1977 and had fancy patterned interior and exterior railings that seemed outdated in the style of the home. So I bought these and some good blades (which aren't very expensive), cut them all down and filed them with this super handy tool. He did all the work and never had a problem. I figured my saber saw could handle it, but even the best saw blades pale in comparison to the RPM this thing can chop something at. I then used it a few weeks later to cut 40 gauge PVC (1 1/2" and 4") and it made those cuts quickly and cleanly. Important note: if you've never used it before, this tool is not a tool to mess around with if you're interested in keeping all your numbers. Before you start, talk to a friend who has one or watch some tutorial videos. As CRH says, "Safety is paramount." And like a fireworks tag, it "emits sparks" (when cutting metal, of course).