I've had one for about five years. Last night I noticed that the battery indicator was dead. So, as it turned out, I turned it off for the last time and changed the batteries. He never turned on again. I even rummaged through my box of DC transformers and found a few compatible ones. No dice. Had I reviewed this device in the first few months of use it would have been a very different review. But after getting used to its features and seeing the shortcomings, I think it certainly deserves a closer review; even if it happened in the moment of disappointment. Pros: Labels tend to be attractive and easy to read. Cons: - I have never found a store that sells labels in my area. You definitely don't want to run on a Saturday afternoon because that's Monday at best before you start making labels again. - Batteries. This thing eats her up. And that's six (6) AAs at the same time. The black printing on the various white nylon labels does not adhere particularly well to Category 5/6 cable jackets that I have encountered. They fall off after a few years. Stickers are pretty expensive, and that makes it especially frustrating when you accidentally print something with sub-optimal settings. Read the labels I make by hand. But the cost of the device, at some point justified by its apparent strength, does not seem to be the most profitable now. Sure, I've used it fairly, but I don't think I've used more than half a dozen refill labels.
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