I bought this bag and am happy with its quality and design. It seems like a big bag for money. I can pack my warm weather sleeping bag and some clothes in the main pocket. The smaller pocket offers plenty of space for snacks, tools and other similar items. I really like how the smaller pocket sits on top of the larger pocket which makes access while riding very easy if you don't lower the valve just use the velcro. What I don't like about the main bag is that it's not very easy to pack. I find it quite cumbersome to stuff my sleeping bag into a long thin tube. I was frustrated trying to figure out how to install and use the bag. A lot of information is missing in the instructions. For example, there are no instructions on how to attach a smaller bag to a larger one. I thought I figured it out, and then I read another reviewer's comments on how to do it, so apparently my assumption was wrong. Also, some compression straps are included in the kit, but there is no information on how to use them. I ended up with 5 of these straps even though the product photo only shows 3. I still haven't figured out how to use either of them with a bag. The strap that attaches the bag to the head tube is a nylon webbing with a snap closure. The click closure has a sliding strap adjustment that requires the strap to lie flat to prevent slipping. The strap lies and cannot lie flat when worn around the head tube, so the strap will loosen immediately during the ride. Instead, I used a ratchet strap. I think the manufacturer should provide Velcro for this mount, similar to what is used to hang the bag on the handlebars. Speaking of the handlebar mount, this one works well and uses velcro in combination with nylon straps/buckles. The only downside to the handlebar attachment method is that it's a bit awkward to put on and take off a large bag. I found it easier to just leave the bag on the bike when packing and unpacking. So far I have only used the bag on short test drives. Having not taken it on bike rides yet, I haven't had a chance to see how it handles long rides. I'll update this review if I find anything noteworthy.
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