Unfortunately, I was very let down by the quality of the goods I bought and the assistance I received after placing my order with Lyrur. They have a broad variety of dresses, shoes, and jewelry, but I was disappointed with the quality of the items I received. The outfits I ordered had uneven stitching and loose threads. The shoes didn't fit right and looked like they were manufactured from cheap materials. The jewelery looked cheap and quickly became tarnished. In general, I was underwhelmed by the quality of the products I got. When I reached out to Lyrur's support team to express my dissatisfaction, I received a dismissive and unhelpful answer. I was left feeling frustrated and unsatisfied because they seemed more concerned with shifting responsibility than finding a solution. In my view, Lyrur falls short of the high expectations set for it. Even though they have a lot of options, you can't trust the quality. Also, I would not suggest doing business with them because of their poor customer service. You can find many other businesses that provide superior quality and support.