This block works really well. Once you've managed to align the pins. Due to the depth of the product, it's quite difficult to align the IDE pins. It took me quite a bit of time and ingenuity to understand this process. It's from a guy who's been working with computers since MFM. Hard disk. In the end (eventually after sharply bending the IDE pins the first time) I marked the front of the old IDE drive with a marker to align the pins in the drive with the device interface. However, I had problems. There is a plastic tab on the unit which is (I think) for easier alignment. I had to use a knife and needle nose pliers to remove the tab to install my MAXTOR actuator. The trick is to at least partially align the data pins before worrying about aligning the power connector. Once the pins were properly aligned and seated, the device worked reasonably well. If the manufacturer understood this problem, they would have developed a retractable data cable that would simplify the connection. It's currently installed on my all-in-1 desktop and works as expected. The price suits me. But don't think that using an old IDE drive is quick and painless.
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