The monitor came quickly, was packaged very well, there were no dead pixels from the box. The overall picture of the monitor is pleasant. Some people have complained about stickers or crooked logos - there were no stickers on my monitor - just the HP logo, which isn't actually a sticker. Many people complain about the glare from this monitor, but I don't find it a problem. My monitor is at an angle to the window and everything is fine. I assume you will have problems with any monitor if your monitor is facing a window. The monitor is very bright, as already mentioned, but the picture is very good. The setup is very simple. The speakers aren't as bad as some say - they're certainly better than laptop speakers, but they don't compare to a standalone speaker system. The nice thing is that the speakers are hidden. So if you don't want to use them, you can pretend they aren't there. The monitor's menu is fairly basic, but the "manual" that came with the monitor does not explain what a number of functions in the monitor's menu do. There are many settings that you can disable or enable. and I turned most of them off because I can't figure out what they do or when I turn them on they don't seem to matter. The lack of a detailed user manual is probably my only gripe about this monitor, but if I'm really interested I'm sure the information is available on HP's website. Overall a great monitor. I looked around the store and this was the best I found!
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