This item saves a lot of time and helps avoid mistakes in my workshop. Whether it's adjusting the blade height on my table saw or the router bit on my router table, it makes very accurate measurements very quickly and reproducibly, without the need for fancy jigs and gauges, or special (and expensive) measuring rods (like Kreg router gauges). are. . A few areas I'd like to improve that together add up to one star: 1. The "zero" button is aligned with the power button. It takes a little practice (and patience) to zero the sensor before use. You end up toggling and/or holding the button multiple times with no events before getting the correct time. 2. It doesn't start over again even if it starts on the same surface. You have to reset it every time because it's not zero when you turn it on again. This is a small annoyance in connection with point 1.3. The depth stop is not magnetic. If you exceed the desired height, you must remember to push the sensor down when the object to be measured (e.g. a saw blade) is lowered. If the bottom of the manometer was magnetic, the manometer would fall down when the object came back down. All of this doesn't pose a major problem, just potential improvements or inconveniences that you should be aware of.