After my friend was in a car accident I realized how important it is for all drivers to have an emergency rescue device in their car and I'm so glad I found Carma. Most escape tools I saw were unwieldy and would likely be thrown in a glove box that wouldn't be accessible in an emergency. The Carma doubles as a dual USB phone charger (which is a lifesaver in itself, am I right?!) and the design is undeniably cuter than anything else. The Carma tip can be used as a hammer/glass breaker and the metal body has an unobtrusive belt knife. Don't be fooled by its sleek design, this item has a durable steel metal body and heavy weight. It also has a nice LED light when plugged in. I would highly recommend this potentially life saving product and I am seriously buying this as a gift for everyone I love. That's no problem, everyone needs a cell phone charger and Carma can help them escape in an emergency!