First of all this item came with some scratched parts, I probably should have sent it back but didn't want the hassle. Also, many of the little carriages were in a box rather than a bag. The build itself didn't go so bad at first. The instructions are very poor and they say some parts must have dowels pre-installed. Well, no, although the dowels are in the box. You should get some wood glue and work it into yourself. The real problem arose when assembling the top. They only drilled half the holes they should have been and ended up in the wrong place. Before inserting the cast metal spacers you see in the picture, place the top shelf on top of the middle shelf and you will see that the top holes do not line up with the screws on the bottom of the middle shelf. Save yourself some time and prior to installing the metal can liners and hardware, center the top shelf and use a marker to draw where the center of the can liner will go. Then use these marks as the center for each can and drill your own holes. This will make more sense when you get to the instructions, but it annoys me that the idiots who designed this thing couldn't slip into the updated instruction sheet (assuming they couldn't drill the holes properly first).
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