I read a lot of reviews and tests, now I will share my experience. And so someone wrote about the ports on wan that they only work at 100, this is not so, everyone gets up and works at 1000. The power of the 5 MHz transmitter is average, look at the price, for my 48 squares per eye, but there are problems when meeting large obstacles (bearing walls, etc.), the speed can drop to 100 -120 mb / s, which is quite logical, there is no such thing on 2.4 . Now about hardware and stability, the latest firmware. Our operator has no connections, filtering by poppy addresses. According to the logs, the device has been working for 10 days without reboots, there are no problems. The speed according to tests is 150 reception 200 return, torrents shake steadily 160-170 and sometimes all 200 in the line of sight and the presence of a large number of people on the distribution, the CPU and memory load is 65/80, the device experiences loads without straining, I won’t say about heating. And as a result, I saw a lot of different devices and tested them in real conditions, I can say this, look for a device with a good price-quality ratio, take it, you will not regret it, provided that your provider can provide you with a gigabit channel, and you have devices with an ac module, so that choice is yours!
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