I received this dress just today and tried it on my 15 month old daughter. I ordered size 9-12 months (L) because my baby has a slim figure. It's really nicely made, but she totally swam in it! I know the christening gown was supposed to be underfoot, but her breasts were too big. She is approximately 18" chest, 33" tall, and weighs 20 pounds (70th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight). I plan to reorder this dress in a size smaller and return it. We have 2 days free shipping otherwise I would be screwed as the baptism is in a week. Also this is a really nice dress, I just want them to provide actual clothing measurements on the chart to get a more accurate idea of fit. **Update** I received the smaller size today, size 6-9 months (M). Whilst the smaller size is STILL a little large for the chest, it fits better around the neck and arms and doesn't look like my daughter would swim in it so this needs to be done. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next size down would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it, if it does not fit! **Update** I received the smaller size today, size 6-9 months (M). Whilst the smaller size is STILL a little large for the chest, it fits better around the neck and arms and doesn't look like my daughter would swim in it so this needs to be done. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next size down would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! **Update** I received the smaller size today, size 6-9 months (M). Whilst the smaller size is STILL a little large for the chest, it fits better around the neck and arms and doesn't look like my daughter would swim in it so this needs to be done. I can't believe my 15 month old daughter would fit anything that says 3-6 months but I can't help but wonder if the next size down would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so I have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but asking me if the next size down would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! whether the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! whether the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! Doesn't look like my daughter will swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next smaller size would fit her. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! like my daughter would swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next size down would fit her would. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit! like my daughter would swim in it so you have to. I find it hard to believe that anything that says 3-6 months would fit my 15 month old daughter, but I can't help but wonder if the next size down would fit her would. I don't know why these dresses are so big but if you are thinking of ordering one of these I would suggest ordering at least one size smaller and taking plenty of time to return it if it doesn't fit!
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