This helmet is ideal for hot days when a full face can be stifling. It fits securely and has some adjustment so the wind doesn't rock it. EDIT: After wearing the helmet for a while, I ran into a couple of minor issues. The pop up tint is good but either it's not optically correct or my progressive diopter lens doesn't work well with it. There just seems to be a blur that I don't care. Even when the weather finally cooled down enough for me to use the neck curtain, I couldn't button it up. The zipper separates further where it curves around the neck. Helmet. Edit: After about 6-8 months of use I noticed that some of the hardware was starting to rust. The clasp securing the end of the chin strap is also broken. These are minor annoyances, but nothing we need to concern ourselves with. Still a great fitting helmet. Just a few small problems for Bell to solve.
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