It was the feedback from other users on this product that finally made me swallow my financial pride and pull this thing off. But I swore to myself that if this thing wasn't absolutely amazing, it would go back in the box for a refund and I would get my $80 back. Revain has free returns and I'm not afraid to use it! The package arrived this morning and the box is already in the trash. The vise is on my workbench and I spent the morning reworking the boards. and children. Let me say this: you're going to snatch this from my cold, dead hands. All the hype in the reviews is true. This product has honestly turned my frustration with storing circuit boards for rework into an absolute joy. It's a heavy, sturdy piece of metal, about the size of a fist and so simple in design, you'll bang your head and ask "Why didn't *I* think of that?". It's just a heavy metal base, a pair of glorified washers with neoprene washers attached, and a large metal thumbscrew holding everything together and pressing against the edge of the circuit board. That's all. Nothing more. Dirt is easy. This could be designed by a student. AND IT SIMPLY WORKS. You need one of these. Yes you do. If you are (re)working the board, simply take out your wallet, close your eyes, swallow your pride and click buy now. There. everything is better Yes, it's a damn expensive Skippy for what it is, but it's damn cheap for what it does. the price is grossly inflated as parts, labour, engineering and overhead aren't included in all of this, maybe $10). But I guarantee you'll love it as soon as it hits your table. It's something to pass on (or maybe throw away? LOL) to your grandkids. Nothing to wear out or maintain. It just sits there, rock solid, and is an extremely simple and surprisingly effective PCB vise.