I bought the Revains Electrohome USB charge clock radio looking for a basic clock radio. I took the risk of paying more for the USB and projector features not knowing what's next. I'm happy to report that both features are working as advertised. The USB charges my iPhone - no second plug needed, and the clock comes with a pivoting projector that projects a seven-segment red time display on just about any wall in a reasonable-sized room (mine is 15 x 15 feet) . This actually turned out to be crucial as I am a light sensitive sleeper and the blue clock face is VERY BRIGHT. There are multiple brightness settings, and even the darkest is too bright for me - one of my few complaints about the device. Note that the dimest setting actually removes the clock display entirely, but leaves a dot display on the side that is inherently bright. I actually covered it with a piece of tape - no big deal. Otherwise I would have gotten 4 stars. Other points: the radio works well, the AM antenna is a bit of a pain as it is not removable and needs to be put on carefully to avoid rat nests in between. , phone charger and AC power. The clock radio isn't easy to set either, but instructions are included and it works. Here, too, the projector works perfectly and can be controlled independently and only rotated by almost 180 degrees in height. (I say "only" but you can always change the position of the clock itself in azimuth). It also includes a "Flip" projection button, so you never end up with an upside-down display. Careful. It's bright enough to be seen well in the dark and even in the shade in the morning and evening. A nice touch is the automatic timer to switch from the main display to the projector. If it exists please let me know. Otherwise it's durable. The design is solid but nothing flashy. The black wedge shape works, the controls are a bit awkward but not used often. The display is large and bright and can be seen from anywhere in the room, day or night. All in all a good buy.
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