Description of Car Seatbelt Metal Tongue Receptacle
ALARM, STOPPED – Is the alarm sound "ding ding ding" driving you mad?Are you tired of having to reach and buckle the seat when you are just carrying something on your passenger seat? Worry not! This clever little device was created for your safety, comfort, convenience and peace of mind. After all, you can't drive safely and calmly if you are and your hearing are disturbed by the constant noise. The Alarm Stop will silence it so you can focus on driving calmly. IDEAL FOR GOODS TRANSPORT ON FRONT SEAT – Delivery personnel, police officers, firefighters and utility workers, small package couriers and others often place items on the front passenger seat, which this triggers a seat belt warning alarm. While people know that buckling for items may be unnecessary, even the smartest car doesn’t. Simply click in the End-Ding and enjoy the silence. Remember - if the package on the front seat can shift and / or cause harm, you need to secure it safely. INSERT IN BUCKLE > SILENCE – Seat Belt Extender Pros Metal Tongues require no installation: just click and go! Tools are not required and you can buckle your END-Ding just like you would buckle your regular car seat belt. And the dinging sound will end! Just remember, you should not use this item to avoid humans fastening their seat belt. Buckling up is the law and saves lives!. CLICKS RIGHT IN – The End-Ding Seat Belt Alarm Stop buckles right into your seat belt receptacle to stop the alarm from dinging when your car detects weight on the seat. The quickest way to end distracted driving because you can't focus on the road from the incessant alarm buzzing sound. #1 SEAT BELT ACCESSORY BRAND WORLDWIDE – Seat Belt Extender Pros is the global leader for automotive seat belt safety products. Seat Belt Extender Pros parts come from E4 and E8 Certified, DOT-registered manufacturers that are in compliance with ISO/TS 16949:2009 for Manufacturing of Seat Belt Assembly and Components. The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certification takes place on the basis of the certification rules issued by the International Automotive Task Force (IATF).