I am very impressed with how quickly they were able to get our website up for us after we had already made selections. They helped provide several options so that we could be sure of what would work best for us as well as give great tips about different features which can help improve user experience. Nothing really! We are super happy with it now but if there's anything else you'd like them to do let me know :) Our site has been live since last December (our previous developer wasn't available
I enjoyed working with them as they were very professional from beginning to end of our project! They are creative designers who really understood my vision for what was needed/wanted out website look like - which made designing it so much easier than if we had not met beforehand (and been able get some initial ideas). The process took longer then expected due mainly because there wasn't enough time between meetings but once that happened everything went smoothly again!! Great people at thisβ¦
Excellent communication throughout.
Very knowledgeable in all aspects related marketing &/or business development, including social media platforms such Facebook Ads etc