- Disk space of 1 terabyte You can stream videos in 4k on YouTube. A pleasing matte finish. Finally, on the front panel, there are mechanical buttons. Included one more USB.
- performance games with a fiery appearance
- Tell me the drawbacks, please.
- Almost completely silent; Supports 4K (when used with a proper TV); Definitely a Huge Selection of Games; Power Saving Mode, in which the set-top box is inactive but you can still download content and charge peripherals;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Additional smartphone applications (PS App, PS4 Second Screen); A PS Plus subscription to enhance your gaming experience and provide you with access to personalized discounts and exclusive content; A somewhat big range of add-ons that can be purchased for an additional cost (including headphones, stands, and controllers, among other things);
- In my opinion, having 1 terabyte of memory is not sufficient; There is only one gamepad included in the package, and the headset is not exactly the most comfortable option; Not the most user-friendly method of navigation
- Good stretches, for one titles that were patched to 4K resolution (The Witcher 3, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4) 2) Increased frames per second in some games (Destiny 2, 3, and Battlefield 1). 3) Much less audible than fatki; nonetheless, remains raucous during times of stress
- 1) I didn't realize HZD or BF1 had HDR. I tried turning it on and off, but it made no effect. Two) There are hardly any games that have been optimized. It appears that only Uncharted 4, HZD, and The Witcher 3 render chess in 4K (although I could be incorrect). In a select few games, the frame rate was increased (I'm only familiar with Battlefield 1, but I can attest to the fact that after a fat with drawdowns of up to 40 fps, on the firmware it is usually always 60, and DS3 now consistently churns out 45 frames per second rather than the previous 30). Thirdly, developers aren't rushing to add fixes for frame rate or resolution. They appear to be in no rush either. There were no updates for Bloodborne. A year after the firmware's release, The Witcher still wasn't optimized, despite developers' initial claims to the contrary.
- Games: Calm, small, and aesthetically pleasing
- -Expensive online video games
- I'm happy with the purchase. After two weeks, everything continues to function flawlessly. I had a proshka before; I simply chose to replace it with a constrained version of the anticipated game because I didn't perceive anything new for myself. One thing I can say is that if you have a current 4k TV with a variety of perks, you should certainly choose Pro. I know from personal experience that this model, with the design from the game The Last Of Us 2, turned out to be the quietest, regardless of how often I've used several PS4 Pro iterations in recent years. Naturally, it warms up, but compared to its predecessors, it operates more quietly. Maybe the assembly went well.
- Although the design is acceptable and doesn't draw much attention, they could have come up with a better concept to mark the end of the PS4 era and prepare for the introduction of the PS5. The Death Stranding limited edition's same design appeared more magnificent, but because to the color white, it could not be used in every home décor.
- Super console!
- They just don't exist