- Flawless sensor, zero problems with it - separation height, jitter at high speeds is minimal, the stall speed obviously exceeds the speed of my flickshots. It is difficult to write anything about him that has not been written before me. This is a 2022 mouse with minimal changes, but this does not mean that it is bad - the possibilities of electronic giblets in it exceed almost any application. The buttons do not have borders and are wide enough, as a result, the mouse is well suited for butterfly clicks, if such a need arises. The coating is not easily soiled, dirt does not collect and is cleaned well, a damp cloth + toothpick solves any problems. Does not degrade over time. The wire is in a nylon braid, does not creak on the table, as is sometimes the case with conventional insulation, quite soft and comfortable.
- "Reliability" raiser. In just a couple of months, the wheel was killed, scrolling fails from time to time, despite the fact that I hardly used it. Too lazy to even drag it into the guarantee, I know that this is the weak point of the desadders and it will be the same on the new one. I won't buy again. Famous Razer drivers. A holey annoying swollen miracle on the electron that requires an online account even to turn off the gypsy backlight. In general, everything is according to the latest fashion. Well, at least the mouse does not turn into a pumpkin when the Internet falls, as the raisers once had, this progressive "feature" was generally ahead of space and time simply. The wheel is rattling. (however, as in 95% of mice today) The mouse is quite heavy, it is much easier to eat these days. Legs in a set of medium scall (a bunch of aftermarket ones are available). Very slippery in dry hands.
- Well sits in the hand. Not dear. Stylish. The backlight is very nice.
- Didn't find it.
- Ergonomics Design Not easily soiled
- Illumination only green
- Perfect fit for my thin hand with long fingers. Build quality is very good
- + Wheel works
- - Double-click on the left mouse button out of the box - Assembly
- Good shape as expected Deathadder
- The sides are notched plastic, not rubber. On the previous model, the smooth plastic was more grippy.
- Ergonomics
- Disregard for the quality of the goods produced, the creak of the wheel, the impossibility of disassembling the mouse on its own due to the screws hidden under the legs. The resource of normal operation is about a year (if you are sooooo lucky).
- Large, due to which it fits comfortably in the hand, it glides very nicely on the mat, the buttons are conveniently located, a reliable wire, while it does not interfere with use at all
- Absolutely unreliable mechanism responsible for pressing the buttons, after a year of use, a double click of the LMB appeared, out of 10 clicks 2 will be a double click, the side buttons also do not always work
- + Durability + Ergonomics + Response speed + Long cord + The absence of extra keys, while the presence of two convenient functional
- - Ability to display double click
- Appearance, smoothness
- The wheel withstood without failures only six months of use, bulky
- - the form - quality - price (compared to other mice of the brand).
- - fragility of mikriks (a double click usually appears after a year, a maximum of one and a half intensive use).
- Convenient form factor, good sensor, build quality
- Not
- Comfortable. Fits perfectly in the hand, feels perfect. There is probably no better tactile sensation than a razer.
- The mouse wheel pops up. it is pressed not exactly down, but somehow sideways, which is why surfing the Internet is a living hell, constantly random triggers + inconvenience to press not down, but sideways. Just like not finding a competitor in terms of convenience, not finding a competitor in terms of constant breakdowns.