Enhance Your Fitness with the Smart Bracelet Smarterra FitMaster Pulsar in Blue Review

Description of Enhance Your Fitness with the Smart Bracelet Smarterra FitMaster Pulsar in Blue
- + correctly measures the pulse (checked at rest and after exercise, counting independently) + beautiful design
- - a disgusting application: the connection is constantly lost, the data from the watch is not completely transferred to the phone (my information about sleep was not transmitted, even the "synchronize" button did not help). Application developers do not read comments in Google Play. - actually DOES NOT MEASURE BP, but simply gives out random values within the normal range (conclusion based on the experiment) - incorrectly counts steps, writes much more than it actually is, so I can’t say that this is a small error
- The sensor works the first time. Quite all suits.
- app is not very clear
- compatible with android, convenient and large display, beautiful appearance, lightweight, waterproof
- does not support mobile internet
- Yes, basically nothing.
- Charging in the strap, the pressure shows only 120/80. Glitches constantly.
- The material from which the bracelet is made is good, does not cause any allergic reactions.
- Has not yet revealed, if only the bluetooth sometimes breaks