- Comfortable
- Price
- Everything functions properly, there are no delays, and there are no interruptions to the Wi-Fi connection.
- When used with the outdated router, it resists being setup and activated, and instead, as soon as it is set up, it establishes a connection with the outdated dir-615 router. despite the fact that there are existing wireless speakers with 18 and 60 watts, I chose to purchase something in the middle for my home so that I wouldn't later regret it.
- A difficult question to respond to
- There is no clock display, despite the fact that this is a major selling point. If the top panel weren't there at all, the column wouldn't become any worse; in fact, you probably couldn't make it any worse in concept even if you tried. The top panel is kind of ludicrous, what with its movement and controls. The quality of the sound is average. Zigbee devices are frequently lost. Does not respond to voice with somewhat insignificant supplemental sources. More can be found in the comments.
- Perfect friend if you have kids.
- If you don't find fault in the little things, you won't find it in almost everything. And I have no doubt that doubters will uncover a lot of evidence to support their position)))
- Interface for connecting sensors made by a variety of different manufacturers to a smart home.
- In comparison to a light station, they are deaf or dumb. The quality of the sound is not very high. An indicator that is white will spontaneously light up at regular intervals. What is it, and why does Alice not say anything about it? It appears to be a mode for conserving power; nevertheless, in order to enter and exit it, as well as understand why it exists, you need to overload the Station.
- There have been no comments or concerns raised on the column itself; therefore, 5
- -
- -A pleasant and unruffled sound - high-quality performance - excellent packaging - excellent microphones - nice panel
- - If you have a ZigBi module, the scripts will NOT work locally (that is, without access to the Internet). -The maximum volume could be increased. -There is no way to adjust the volume of the music and Alice's voice independently. -The possibilities for a smart home are limited.
- Management of internal systems and attention to acoustic detail.
- The fact that she creates music exclusively from musical inspiration. For instance, Alice does not allow me to listen to some of my bands since they are not considered to be music. Connecting via bluetooth is the solution to this problem; however, doing so is not very easy. A word of advice for people who are just starting out: when you talk to Alice, try to be as clear as you can because she isn't always able to understand what you're saying because of diction issues. And the lack of a diverse range of potential outcomes. For instance, I want to tell Alice "I'm at home," and I want her to begin playing a certain type of music, but I only want her to set a single track from the numerous options. But I believe that will resolve the issue in the long run.