It is sometimes difficult to keep updated on all the technologies that are operating within the blockchain, the existing and new ones. Personally it has been a titanic task of effort to learn and know more every day, being here in Revain has been very good for me in that sense, it is a great responsibility to evaluate and review projects, exchanges, wallets, video games, casinos, mining groups and educational academies, that is where the importance of the academies lies as they not only instruct new people and traders to give a greater boost to the world of cryptos, they are also vital for experts and people like me who want to learn new technologies in a faster way from the hand of experts in the field, unfortunately almost all are focused on the financial part, I'm not saying that it is not important, in fact it is very important, but very few try to educate developers and researchers eager to learn new technologies and emerging research projects.
This academy operates focused on the financial area, specifically the commercial part. For this purpose it has a good team working on the subject who have developed almost 20 short video courses which will be certified. To my way of seeing the courses are very intensive and summarized, I say this because I evaluated the content and duration of the courses and believe me I do not see correspond.
Resisando some content and duration of the courses I find it hard to understand how for example a blockchain developer course can be dictated in only 8 hours, blockchain expert 9 hours, in Bitcoin only 6 hours in short a variety of more than 18 intensive courses, in ethereun and cryptocurrency expert in only 5 hours each, all certified.
I do not recommend this course for beginners or traders who want to enter the world of cryptos to use it as a means to make money with the various options offered. I do not say they are bad, but personally I see them more oriented to macro companies that want to better train their executive train that already have notions and according to the theme that the company requires.