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Summary of Aeon (AE Token) Aeon (Aeternity’s crypto coin) has a current market cap of $888,430,163 as of May 18th 2018. This is based on a circulating supply of 233,020,472 AE (out of a total supply of 273,685,830) and the Aeon price is $3.81 per coin. Like in the Ethereum and NEO/GAS models, the Aeon coin is used to pay for space and computational time on a virtual machine running on another node computer on the network. Its ICO released in 2017 and collected 121,212 ETH and 324 BTC during itsSee full review

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For all its style, ICON is principally a decentralized applications platform with the extra element of interlinking different blockchains. It is an immediate contender to coins like Ethereum and NEO, however it has a more inclusive nature. Before we get into the qualities that set it apart from the previously mentioned platforms, how about we investigate how the platform functions.See full review

zilliqa logo

Zilliqa and the Growing Network The team behind ZIL managed to solve the scalability problem they were meeting along the way of designing Zilliqa network in a unique way. Apparently, they have managed to come up with an idea that would allow them to create a network that would grow with the number of its users. That means that instead of having jammed traffic and delayed transactions in an overcrowded blockchain environment, ZIL allows its network to grow with the number of users, that way solSee full review

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How well is DigiByte doing at the current moment? The reason we have decided to mention DGB once again is the fact that this coin has seen some improvements when it comes to the terms of having its price raised at the beginning of February of the following year of 2018. Within this period, DGB has managed to reach an amazing boost that went up to over 70%, consequently raising its price against the dollar. However, the latest change in the price that occurred in the last 24 hours is slowly chaSee full review

bitcoin diamond logo

Who is doing this fork? Bitcoin Diamond As per their official website, this fork is the result of a collaboration between two Bitcoin mining teams, Team 007 and Team EVEY, who joined to form the aptly named Bitcoin Diamond Foundation. Why has this fork happened? Namely, they have stated that the reason why they have forked Bitcoin is because they don’t see the actual Bitcoin scaling and serving the needs of growing users. They have forked BTC into Bitcoin Diamond because of following problSee full review

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Burl KidneyK.

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Joined in September 19, 2018