Among all the Exchange created in 2019 it appears there's only few trading platform that seems to not to be acting effectively. With the rapid development of exchanges in the blockchain technology ecosystem there will be so many competitions on which trading platform will become the next generation of trading platform for users to undergo safe, fast and less stressed exchange. BetaEx one of those exchanges has guaranteed many users that they're going to develop they are investment and give them safe transactions with good withdrawal fees and nice security.
This exchange didn't last long in the community as it was closed down by developers. as I made more research about this exchange i currently find out that the developers could not raise enough funds to support this platform as he didn't generate enough revenue for them because of lack of popularity or use it by users. social Media account also has been closed down because the platform was filled with scammers and spaed messages.
Many users have complained that the platform does not support any 3D activities as there are only few cryptocurrencies listed on the exchange. This platform is not recommended for use the platform has been dead and been sent to it graveyards