This crypto exchange is one of the largest crypto exchage in the Crypto world. has many great features that makes it very easy to use.
It was introduced to me by a friend, I was told that it has great reputation. I must confess, it is so easy to use. Right from registration, i didn't encounter any issue on it. No requirement of submitting personal documents before you can use the platform. Though it has limitations for those not performing their know your customer. To me the limitations is not a barrier.
First time I was using the exchange I deposit to the platform through transfer of crypto asset. It was very fast.
It has hundreds of digital asset, can trade well known assets as well as new assets. I love the way the team behind the exchange keep on educate and update the users about the platform.
Using the platform had made benefited from trading and using it native token asset. The asset had increase in value over the time.
The experience I had on the platform made me to conclude that it is among the best exchange platform that has reasonable fee. Using it token for transactions fee when withdrawing an asset will also gives the users 50 percent discount.
I had no security issue on the platform.
his crypto exchange is one of the best exchange. I can recommend it for anyone.