Bitforex is known for it fast transaction executing system, it's built to handle thousands of transaction in seconds with over 160+ trading pairs for users to trade on the exchange platform has a very large volume of traded currency it accept conversion of fiat currency into digital currency there are no charges for making deposit also it has a considerable charges of making withdrawal, has a simple to use user interface, support spot trading users across 180+ countries can trade on bitforex which shows it scalability and limited users restriction.
Integrated with a very high sophisticated security system the team behind bitforex are well trained expert with good experience on blockchain network therefore security and safeguarding all users investment are a major priority over the past few years of actively operating security theft has been recorded.
Only issue here is some users have been complaining about their investment has been stuck on the platform and can't retrieve their cash back this can affect the reputation of bitforex and should be looked into.