There have been many cryptocurrencies and also available cryptocurrency exchanges designed to ease the trade of the already established cryptocurrencies but in most cases, latest or may I say, many recent cryptocurrencies and Exchanges are failing. I would like to discuss about this exchange, Bitmesh. Bitmesh is a very bad idea for everyone and I will advise that no one should think of it.
Moreover, Bitmesh is a decentralized cryptocurrency Exchange but have closed. It is no longer in operation. Each time I try to log into the website the result is always "502 Bad gateway". However, I don't call it a scam because I received an update on 20th October, 2020 that all users should withdraw all assets within 30 days and without hesitating, I immediately withdrew my entire assets and since it closed no one can access it.
In conclusion, I really pity those who did not get the update and as a result of that, left their assets there. I'll advise all cryptocurrency traders to find other exchanges because Bitmesh is DEAD!!!