Bitso is digital assets cryptocurrency platform based in Mexican and is the top performing exchange for mexican crypto lovers. Bitso is known to acquire more than 1 million users and Bitso is also known to be responsible for most of the trading volume and Mexico.
Bitso is most popular exchange in Mexico with more than 20 top Crypto coins variables to trade with Fiat. Argentina Brazil Mexico are other Fiat currencies that Bitso allowed to deposit and trade with available variables for easy token conversions.
Bitso is simple built cryptocurrency trading platform with easy to use features such as visible order book and limit orders stop orders and Market order facility. Bitso allowed deposit of more than 15 crypto currencies with deposit of Stablecoins which are automatically converted into US dollars. Bitso allowed deposit through wire transfers. Beside crypto deposit and wire transfer bitso dont offer feature of buying crypto with card. Bitso primarily known for Crypto currencies trading with Mexican and BTC pairs. Bitso allows Bitcoin Ether and XRP trading against USDT.
Bitso has quite good working app for Mobile and iOS versions and I prefer using App rather than mobile. Bitso has looking up to shift its focus to open more offices in America and countries worldwide and With Easy availability of Fiat trading Exchange can perform well but it has to work on graphics charting interface and more crypto variables to trade.