Launched on March, 2018, Bitvavo is a centralized cryptocurrency Exchange from Netherland. It is a very trustworthy platform to trade with with advanced features but pretty easy-to-use. Although my country was not supported by this Exchange but I simply used a VPN to access its services. Trading here has not been difficult because it has a nice Trade view with enough details of various trade activities for each currency listed on it.
However, the only fiat currency allowed here is EUR and nothing else. This makes it clear that it is meant for only Europeans. Using EUR as its only fiat currency, I was able to get the various methods of payment which are; SEPA, Bank transfer but no credit card option. This Exchange has a very good mission and on Twitter, it has a very good number of followers. In conclusion, I strongly recommend Bitvavo and if you want to get access to it use a VPN just as I did.