BitXmi Exchange is a spot, margin and contract trading platform that allows for fiat based transactions as well as crypto-crypto based transactions. Launched in 2020, BitXmi uses a powerful trading API to execute lightning fast transactions within seconds. The exchange also supports OTC trading and supports more than 40 active trading pairs. The exchange makes it a point to reminds users of the safety of their funds, every fund in this exchange are insured against future risks, there's even employment of cold wallet and the servers are backed by heavy security protocol. You can easily trade here because BitXmi Exchange provides a webpage with a simple and efficient design thus allowing for easy navigation across the entire website. As I said earlier, the exchange also supports fiat-crypto based transactions hence support a wide range of fiat currencies like US dollars, Great Britain Pounds, Euro, Taiwanese dollar, Japanese Yuan, Chinese Yen, HongKong Dollars, Korean Won, Indian Rupee, Russian Ruble and a few other fiats.
My overall experience on the exchange was excellent