BQB is a well known exchange which has the vision to become one of the reliable Exchange in the world today. BQB was developed to help trade cryptocurrencies providing good security and liquidity, making it more easier and comfortable to trade your digital assets. There where Many investors who intended to use this exchange but this exchange was no longer recognize in the exchange community. BQB Exchange provide little information about itself without making people know the actual benefits of using the trading platform. BQB began to lose people who wish to use the platform. as time goes by the platform was forgotten and nobody had interest about the Exchange anymore. I discovered that the social media accounts of BQB was no longer active, this made people not to believe in this project because people won't have where to make there complain Incase they are having problems with the platform. it was wise for people to change their minds about the Exchange. there has been a publication too on the internet about this Exchange, the platform has been classified dead and has been sent to the Exchange graveyard. This Exchange is not a guaranteed platform for you assets, you can make use of other well known Exchange like KUCOIN and many more.