This is my point of view about this project
BSCSwap created their project on this early October. Its listing on one of big exchange platform. Seems good project.
This project is based on legit project. When you join this community, you can feel about the solidity if the member. Its have many good project. So you must try to join their project. You will be entertained. Its one of the most project who can stand in top position with unique address user on one of big exchange corporation.
They have many event like meme contest to entertain their developer.
Their logo so funny. This project is easy to use. Like you just drop smart contract address to find your followed project and etc.
I suggest you to join this project because even if you have less investment crypto, you still can join their project. Developer is welcome-man like your own father(maybe).
When you join their project you can earn more coin crypto even if it just only with minimum investment.