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Review on BtcTurk | Pro by Alaaddin Turp

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I think it will be one of the important Turkish stock exchanges

Btcturk Pro is a cryptocurrency exchange that I have used for a long time. Today I will share the positive and negative aspects of BtcTurk Pro.

BTCTurk pro opened in the world 4. it is a cryptocurrency exchange and has been much less popular than many cryptocurrency exchanges. In addition, Btcturk Pro is the first cryptocurrency exchange opened in Turkey, and most of its users are Turkish users.
For this reason, it has lagged behind many cryptocurrency exchanges around the world.
Btcturk Pro does not have a lot of cryptocurrencies in it, so many users complain about this situation, and although I have used it for a long time, they still haven't added a new cryptocurrency, and the limited cryptocurrencies you can trade cause you to cool off from the cryptocurrency exchange and reduce your winning rate. Because of this feature, I no longer use BTCTurk Pro.
In addition, I want to say that when you trade with any cryptocurrency, you cut high transaction fees and after a while you start paying a lot of transaction fees. Because of this situation, I no longer use Btcturk Pro.
In addition, Btcturk Pro has many payment methods; there are many payment methods such as bank account withdrawals, cryptocurrencies, Papara withdrawals, and I love these features.
Finally, I want to say that Btcturk Pro is a cryptocurrency exchange that is mainly used by Turkish users in general, and they say that they will start trading around the world in the future, but I don't believe it. If you want to use Btcturk Pro, I recommend that you research it before using it.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
It's a really good quality cryptocurrency exchange that I've been using for a long time and still use. I didn't change my score and left it the same. They still have not corrected the negative aspects, but I believe that they will flatten in the future. As the day passes, it becomes more popular and reaches more users, but only throughout Turkey, if it is also popular in other countries, its future is great.

  • There are many payment methods I use this feature very fondly
  • In general, it is a cryptocurrency exchange established specifically for Turkish users.
  • it is a cryptocurrency exchange that has gained popularity because it is a cryptocurrency exchange and also because it is the first cryptocurrency exchange established in Turkey
  • It has a reliable system and I have been using it for a long time and have not encountered any problems
  • Because there is no cryptocurrency exchange around the world, it has lagged behind many cryptocurrency exchanges
  • There are very high transaction fees, and this becomes annoying after a while

Comments (4)

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January 28, 2021
First, Hello. You're very good at writing quality reviews. I found this review, which I read to the end, really successful. I used BTCTURKPRO for a long time in the vein. That's why I understand what you're writing, because it's something I use, too. You gave me a lot of details. You can also add new things when you update your review. In general, this is very true.
January 16, 2021
Hi, I am very happy that I have read your amazing information. It was really very useful to me. I was encouraged to use this wonderful platform. Don't forget to add you new ideas about it thank you alot dear alaaddin. Have a great day.
January 15, 2021
Hello, I read your review carefully to the end. You wrote really good quality, and I like it. You've explained everything that's stuck in my head, so I don't have any questions. I would appreciate it if you would talk about your own use when you update it a little more. Have a good day.
December 21, 2020
Hi, I read What You wrote about BtcTurk Pro and found it very useful. I have been using BtcTruk Pro2 for a long time and I am very happy. It's nice of you to talk about payment methods, and I use this exchange because there are many payment methods.

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