This is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers access to trade and buy cryptocurrency without having to get access from the government or following a registered trading format but all you just need is to buy and make direct payments. On this platform there are other 9 trading pairs on this platform which allows traders to easily navigate between cryptocurrency without having to make any deals through a single cryptocurrency and this is a better way to advance trading and online services. But the big gap stands that this exchange platform is no longer fully functional as it has been hit, so therefore it means all this features that it use to have are no longer available.
However, this platform made a huge losses which resulted to the platform being unable to pay back the funds that were deposited by the platform users and the total accumulated losses were over 1,866 worth of ethereum which covered over 900,000 total losses on this platform. This hack is still going through liduidation process such that the security of the platform can now be resolved and recovered back to itself but I think it is not actually yielding the full result.